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Ja se zovem Ivana, a Miško me zove zlato…
The only country in Europe that can discipline the Balkans & Russia is UK.
The tragedy is UK has no strategic interest there and I am less & less motivated to fight for the Balkans. I know what’s next & I am wasting my time but, one day, I’ll have no regrets as I did my best.

Let’s take a look at self-appointed Balkan Expert, openly far far right winger, and neo-conservative think tanker Ivana Stradner.
Stradner has been in America since she began studying international law under infamous George W. Bush era legal goon John Woo at UC-Berkeley. She currently works for neo-conservative think tanks AEI and FDD (American Enterprise Institute, and The Foundation for Defense of Democracies), and also is a member of NAFO. Stradner ingratiates herself among Balkan leftists and liberals, and, strangely enough, many accept her as an ally in the fight against fascism and Russian and Serbian influence in the Balkans.
Before all of that, however, Ivana was born in Serbia. She played the piano during the NATO bombing campaign that stopped the Serbian genocide of Albanians in Kosovo. We believe that being distracted from her piano lessons angered her greatly. The average Serb, in fact, remains furious at the West, at NATO, at the US, for NATO’s intervention to stop the Serbian genocide of Albanians in Kosovo. Serbs are the biggest victims of the Yugoslav Wars if you were not aware.
Novak Djokovic forgives NATO
Again, based on a multitude of clues, we find it very likely that Ivana Stradner is furious indeed about NATO’s bombing campaign which stopped the Serbs’ genocide of Albanians in what is now Kosovo. Here is one.
Yes, you heard it right, folks, this same proud Serbian Orthodox Christian lady tweeting about her Balkan expertise, and getting boosted by Bosnians thinks that interventions to stop genocides are wrong and illegal. What an amazingly mask off take for a Serb, one might think. And especially in her dissertation, publicly available in the UC Berkeley database. Please feel free to ask your Albanian and Bosnian comrades if they’re aware of this. Be polite though. Not everyone is a megafangirl like Republicans, Libertarians, Antisemites, Islamophobes… you get the picture.
Daddy Delta, Dodik…???
prior 2102
All Serbian Girl
“I just wanted to play piano but I was bombed by NATO”
All American Girl
Daddy Delta Girl goes Berkeley – founds slavic Berkeley Brotherhood.
from 2016
"I’m an Expert. Yes on that, too"
Orthodox Serbian-American Propaganda Pet (OSAPP) is born.
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